a series of illustrations and little stories
Sometimes we make brilliant discoveries. Large and bold epiphanies that crash down like a bright strike of lightning, waking us from the nap of our present life. And KAZAAM our world has changed. Those things are important and they are often the big stories we tell late into the night to those in the world we’ve found we like to share our time with.
Then, there are other, smaller, quieter realizations that come to us through days and years of trying to live the way we would most like to live. They grow and bloom more slowly like an apple tree, from seed to old bent boughs heavy with fruit. It’s hard to talk about these. They’re often ever-so commonplace seeming and awfully simple that it’s hard to say the things about the great magic they are made of. But, really, they’re everything to us.
This work is about those stories. Those small tales that we add to daily with a quiet but fierce sense of reverence for what we’ve come to regard as dear, what we choose to not stop believing in, and what we’ve decided we will do with our one strange ticket into this world.