Creatures of the Heart
Within you there is the heart of you and within that heart there is a world.
That world is full of big magic. It’s populated by all sorts of little creatures wandering about, doing all sorts of curious things, as you and your heart go about your many days.
All these little creatures are aware of all the big magic in the place where they live and they go about trying to see all there is to see. Some of the things they see confuse them. Sometimes they are surprised, sometimes they are mystified. Sometimes they’re downright scared and sometimes they cannot help but jump, singing with all of their own little hearts, for joy.
It is a strange and baffling and wonderful world in there and the creatures are always so terribly curious to see just what might happen next. There is, really, only so much that one can say about it, though. So these are some little windows to peer into where we can see what some of theses creatures that live inside that world have come to find on their little journeys so far.